We’ve got the answers to your most common questions.
If you can’t find the right answer get in contact with the Streamline team today.
Why Choose a Streamline Carport?
Streamline’s unique carport designs have been trusted and loved across the NZ market for more than 20 years. These high-quality structures are designed and manufactured in New Zealand from top-quality materials (meaning replacement parts are easily available).
Engineered specifically to withstand New Zealand’s windy and snowy environment, our carports are built to last. Compare this with other carports on the market which are often imported – constructed from thinner, less sturdy material, they simply cannot stand up to our local weather conditions.
Do I Need Building Consent?
Carports under 40m2 (floor area inside the posts) do not require a building consent for size, as long as they have been designed by an engineer and have a PS1. There are district rules to consider that vary between councils, such as the distance from your boundary and site coverage. We recommend contacting your local council to ensure you comply with your local requirements.
Do Streamline Carports Have Engineering Approval?
Streamline Carports are made from premium quality steel. All standard sizes come complete with an up-to-date PS1, so you know you are buying a product that will stand up to NZ conditions. Cheaper imported carports often do not have engineering sign-off. This means that if your carport requires council consent, it will not be granted, as a current PS1 is a council requirement.
Why Isn’t There Framing Under the Roof?
The high-profile PurlinDek® roof sheet combined with a custom gutter system creates a strong roof that doesn’t require any framing. The guttering surrounds all four sides of the carport, and when riveted to the PurlinDek® roofing iron it creates a strong ‘gutter beam’. PurlinDek® is supplied in either 0.40 gauge for single structures or 0.75 gauge for doubles, and due to the product’s inherent strength, carports can span up to 6m wide without support.
How is My Carport’s Area Calculated?
Your carport’s square meterage area is calculated inside the posts. Our carport designs have a cantilever at the front and back, allowing for larger roof areas to fit inside a smaller footprint.
Does my Carport Come with Guttering?
Yes, the gutters are included in the supporting beams around the outside of the roof. A downpipe and dropper are also included in the kitset.
Does My Carport Have a Warranty?
Streamline Carports have a 10-year structural warranty and a 25-year durability statement, meaning if you follow the maintenance requirements your carport will easily last 25 years. We’re proud to offer one of the highest warranties in New Zealand, and because our carports are made locally, replacement parts are easily attainable.
Do You Ship NZ-Wide?
Yes – our carport kitsets come as a flat pack making transport more affordable. We ship to your nearest Mainfreight depot.
I Want to DIY - What Tools Are Required for Installation?
You will need the necessary equipment to concrete the posts into the ground. You’ll also need a drill, pop riveter, tin snips, or a 60mm hole drill for the downpipe dropper. Ladders and planks, safety goggles, gloves and foot protection are also required for a safe installation.
What is the Minimum Slope Required on the Carport Roof?
Your Streamline Carport will require a fall of 25mm for a single carport and 100mm for a double carport towards the downpipe in order to effectively channel rainwater.
Do You Offer Custom Sizes?
Yes – the Streamline Carport design is versatile and can be manufactured in any length, however, the system is limited to 6m span width without support. Carports over 6m width need to be ordered as a Material Supply sale, and plans, permits and engineering need to be organised by the customer. Our modular system means the length of your carport is virtually unlimited – we can create any length you require.
Can I Attach My Carport to My Home?
Yes, you can, however the attachment method and what the Streamline Carport is attached to will need to be checked by an engineer.
I Have a Concrete Driveway, Can I Install My Carport Over It?
There are two ways to accomplish this – you can cut 900mm deep holes for the posts through the concrete and install the posts with concrete. Alternatively, you can purchase top mount feet from Streamline Carports and Dyna Bolt them to the existing concrete slab.
A Sheet Is Damaged, Can I Get a Replacement?
If some sheets have been involved in an incident, new roof sheeting will neatly fit the space as our PurlinDek® profile has been the same since the beginning of production.
What is Included in the Kitset?
Your Streamline Carport kit includes the PurlinDek® roofing sheets, fascia, gutter beams, posts, downpipe, silicone, touch-up, drill bit and all the correct fixings needed for installation.
What Colour is the Underside of the Roof?
Shadow Grey.
What is the Standard Height Clearance?
From the floor to under the gutter beams is 2.1m. Extended height posts are also optional, just let us know the height clearance you require and we can add this to the quote.
Are Clearlites Available in Place of Regular Roof Panels?
Yes, several varieties of translucent sheeting are available to allow from 47% up to 70% light transmission. Opal translucent sheeting is manufactured to the highest specification and resists UV degradation and yellowing much longer than many general-purpose translucent roofing products.